Meowsies, it's me Lily! Welcome to my purrrsonal page. I will give mew all my latest mews and anything else that considers me:)I do have a wink-wink and his name is Sami. He is a handsome Siamese Kitty and he is furrom the Meezer Trio of CatWhiskas! About Me My name is Lillian Rose, but meowmie calls me Lily. My favorite colour is the color of blue on this page! I just adore blue. I have many nicknames like: Lil, Luvly Lily, Lil Blue, Baby Lil, Lady Lillian, and Li Li. I am the eldest of all of us five cats. I think I was born around July 12, 1996. Here is the story of how I met my meowmie... one day, some really mean purrson threw me out of a moving vehicle. I santered upoun meowmie's furront porch and she happened to notice me and coaxed me into her arms with some food. Then she took me to the vet to get me a checkup and a few months later, meowmie took to get me spayed. About three years later, meowmie adopted two Siamese Kittens furrom a furriend and then, Milo furrom the same purrrson. February of 2000 meowmie bought Chyna! My favorite sibling.:) VISIT OUR SITE DIRECTORY |